Nursing in Indonesia began develop into a profession through a National Workshop on Nursing in 1983. Along the times, there is a transfer of nurses, not only work in the country but also abroad. Therefore, ASEAN established MRA on Nursing Services in 2006 as a joint commitment to the ASEAN countries in facilitating the movement of nurses. However, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam has not ratified the commitment. On the other hand, many Indonesian nurses are working abroad, especially in ASEAN countries. So the MRA on Nursing Services give impact on nursing Indonesia.This paper would like to analyze the condition of nursing in Indoneia, the regulations related to nursing, main attention the arrangement and impact on nursing services in Indonesia.
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Peraturan Perundang-undangan
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Sumber Lainnya
Azrul Azwar, Beberapa Catatan Tentang RUU Keperawatan, Diskusi dengan Bagian Perancangan UU Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Sekjen DPR RI, Jakarta 16 Juni 2011.
Harif Fadillah, Urgensi Percepatan Pengesahan RUU Keperawatan di Indonesia, makalah disampaikan dalam Diskusi tim kerja kajian RUU Keperawatan Setjen DPR RI dengan Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI), 23 Juni 2011.
Hasil Diskusi RUU Keperawatan antara PUU Kesra Setjen DPR RI dengan Pengurus Pusat PPNI, 3 Agustus 2011.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46807/aspirasi.v3i2.269
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