Rumah Sebagai Arena Pendidikan: Adaptasi dan Strategi Orangtua di Perkotaan Mendidik Anak di Masa Pandemi

Anggi Afriansyah


The situation at the beginning of the pandemic changed various patterns of education in schools that had been considered normal and moved to homes. During the beginning of the pandemic, when schools were closed, learning had to move home and parents had to provide extra assistance to accompany their children's education at home. This article explores the challenges, adaptations, and strategies of parents in urban areas in assisting children in learning at the beginning of the pandemic. Interviews were conducted with the parents of workers in urban areas to get an adequate perspective on changing education patterns during the pandemic. The results of this study increasingly show the important role of parents in the education process of their children during the pandemic. The ability of parents to face challenges during the pandemic, adapt, and strategy is highly dependent on the resources they have, ranging from academic qualifications, flexibility in working time, the ability to dialogue with children, and build communication with the school. Each parent's technical and substance abilities play a very important role in helping children through the educational process during the pandemic.


Situasi awal pandemi mengubah berbagai pola pendidikan yang selama ini dianggap lazim, yaitu dilakukan di lingkungan persekolahan. Selama awal pandemi, sekolah-sekolah ditutup. Pembelajaran di sekolah berpindah ke rumah sehingga orangtua harus ekstra dalam mendampingi pendidikan anak-anak di rumah. Artikel ini mengetengahkan tantangan, adaptasi, dan strategi orangtua di wilayah perkotaan dalam mendampingi anak-anak belajar di awal pandemi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada orangtua pekerja di wilayah perkotaan untuk mendapatkan perspektif memadai mengenai perubahan pola pendidikan di masa pandemi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran orangtua semakin penting dalam proses pendidikan anak- anak. Kemampuan orangtua menghadapi tantangan di masa pandemi, melakukan adaptasi, dan strategi sangat bergantung pada sumber daya yang dimiliki mulai dari kualifikasi akademik, fleksibilitas waktu kerja, kemampuan berdialog dengan anak, dan membangun komunikasi dengan pihak sekolah. Kemampuan teknikal dan substansi orangtua sangat berperan dalam membantu anak melalui proses pendidikan di masa pandemi. Komisi X DPR RI melalui fungsi pengawasan perlu memantau, mengawasi, dan memberi dukungan terhadap kebijakan pemerintah berkaitan dengan pendidikan serta memastikan tidak ada kebijakan pendidikan yang memarjinalkan anak-anak dengan kerentanan berlapis akibat pandemi Covid-19.


belajar dari rumah; orangtua; pandemi; pendidikan; sekolah; education; learning from home; pandemic; parent; school

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