Lukman Adam
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Currently, fisheries management is entering a new phase. At the beginning of the President Joko Widodo period, fisheries management mostly regulates the use of fishery resources and law enforcement against violations in the NKRI territory. Meanwhile, nowadays the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries focuses to increase the export of fisheries products. The focus of his study is to determine a fisheries export barriers and strategies to improve Indonesia export fisheries. Secondary Data from Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Indonesia Statistic Agency, and FAO is mainly used in this study and it will be analyzed by exercising a descriptive analysis. The identified barriers are the presence of the fishing fleet which has not been optimized and processing activities of fishery product which did not fulfill the standards. Strategy important to be done are to improve the mechanisms of permits, develop the national fish logistics systems, promote quality of fisheries products, and develop Indonesia Fisheries Management Area. In addition to this, the principle of sustainable fisheries management must be a framework to improve Indonesia exports of fisheries.


fisheries export barriers; export strategy; processing of fisheries product; the national fish logistics systems; fisheries management areas; sustainable fisheries management

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